Sunday, December 28, 2014

Twenty-Five Homilies from Sixty-Seven years

1. Success is about getting up every day and doing your best.

Not being the best, being perfect, being ideal, being better-than, just:

Do the best you can with what you have where you are. (thanks Teddy R.)

The world is run by people who show up.

(thanks Ben F.) 

2. Work hard to forgive yourself and then forgive others, not for their sake, for yours.

3. Think about what you can do to make everybody else's life better.

4, Focus your life's work by empathizing with those to whom you deliver that work (your customer, guest, client, user, etc.) then continue to narrow and refine that focus.

5. If you wonder what your life's work is, concentrate on today. What you're doing now is for all intents and purposes your life's work. Do it to the best of your ability.

6. Listen as often and as much as you can and always before speaking.

7. If you can't voice a greeting, wave. If you can't wave, smile.

8. When you hear something interesting, take note, it'll soon be your idea.

9. Write down what you intend to accomplish each day and check off what gets done.

10. Review your accomplishments and give yourself credit.

11. Talk about what's possible with others because for an idea to flourish, it needs to be spoken.

12. Avoid negative people.

13. Seek consensus before acting.

14. Give credit to others wherever and whenever possible.

15. Everyone seeks positive reinforcement, give it.

16. Everyone seeks creative control, cede some of yours when you can.

17. Slow down long enough to acquire presence of mind in thought and action, especially before acting.

18. Be emotionally positive towards all, fight negative impulses.

19. Consume in moderation.

20. Love openly and with vigor.

21. Equivocate (your enemies have a point, you need to work toward seeing it)

22. Take time each day to walk, run, bike, roll, dance and move about (be as dynamic as your body allows).

23. Avoid stimulants, sugar, caffeine, chocolate, bright lights, computers, iphones, & social media prior to your normal sleep time (weaning off at least two hours prior, caf
feine, 4-5 hours) so you can have normal sleep cycles and stay quiet, in the dark for 8 hours a night. Shift workers, adapt accordingly.

24. Find time to breathe deeply and relax hourly, even more than being dynamic, but you need both.

25. Laughter is the best medicine. Always be on the lookout for something that tickles you.

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